Thin Ice

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Sverige - Stockholm University: Universitetsvägen 10

Thursday 6 February

CINEMONDO is a non-profit, volunteer organization based in Stockholm, Sweden, which screens movies on a bi-weekly basis.

Those movies may be about social issues, political events, environment, arts or economics. They can be deeply moving, dramatic and unresting, sometimes even disturbing, because Earth has all of that happening. But also playful, fun and simply interesting, because Earth has all of that happening too.

After every screening we are having a discussion with either a person involved in the film – like the director or a leading character – or someone who can give an interesting perspective on the film’s topic. We are striving for having those speakers with us live and in colour, but sometimes we may use remote communication (such as Skype or Google Hangouts) as an alternative.

We at CINEMONDO believe that everyone has an interesting outlook to share. We want to discover new ways to look at life. How do you see the world? Which stories engage you? What do you think?

The screening is free of charge, donations are welcome. The screening is followed by a discussion/debate on the topic. A university researcher will be invited to answer audience’s questions (we don’t have confirmation yet).

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